Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jalan bareng Decy, Kak Andri, n Kak Bilal =D

 Huaaa senangnya bisa ketemu Decy! temen gue dr tk sampe sd. Bener2 gak nyangka bisa ketemuan sama dia di Jepang! Hari ini aku jalan bareng dia, kak Andri(kakanya), n kak Bilal. Padahal ini school night lho, hihi. Tapi 良かったな, dibolehin.. soalnya ini juga "once in a life time",  jarang2 kan ada temen yg main ke Jepang?
 Aku juga mo terimakasih sama kak Bilal yg udah nganter-jemput Decy n kak Andri, jadinya bisa ketemuan..ホッマにありがとうな!

 So, Hari ini, pulang sekolah, aku langsung ngibrit ke rumah. 何でかと言うと, 15分に駅に集まれだから. だけど, ウチは4時に学校からでかけるから, 行けるかも知らない. Ternyata pas nyampenya, nggak ada siapa2.. trus aku telp mama.. ternyata mama lagi di ashiya, habis arisan.. ckck, (aku butuh 携帯 mama, だからママに合わなければならない! Ternyata juga, kak Bilal masih di 梅田, takes 30 minutes to got here, so i went back home.

 Nyampe rumah aku ngambil barang2 yg kira2 perlu aja. Like: note-schedule aku, novel "i'd tell you I Love you, but Then I'd Have to kill you" buat nunggu pas di /電車. Trus pen(pasti). Habis itu aku makan bentar, nyemil lah. N gk lama kemudian mama dateng. Trus mama bilang, kak bilal mo ketemu di 六甲道 aja. Yauda, habis makan, nyisir bentar (i looked like an orgil cause in a hurry barusan) --,--

 Terus pas nyampe di 住吉, kak bilal に電話した. Ternyata mereka ada di 住吉 juga. Terus aku kaget bgt ngeliat mereka ada di deket 入口, ada Decy disitu. Huaaa pelukan, ngobrol2 langsung ^^ Di kereta kita cerewet banget sampe diliatin orang2, haha. Terus pas kita turun di 三ノ宮。何で?ビラル兄ちゃんがモサイックパークが三宮にアルント思ったから。Akhirnya naik kereta ke Kobe lg deh. ckck. Trus nyampe mosaic Park. Kita:
1. Naik Ferris Wheel =)
2. Kak Bilal dan Kak Andri ke rumah hantu, aku sama Decy nunggu aja.
3. Main wee di game station.
4. Main (apa ya namanya? 何か、kayak main hockey tapi make tangan, tau kan?)
5. Ngeliatin kak Bilal n kak Andri racing.
6. Foto2, (dr  sampe mosaic park, kak bilal minta tolong orang untuk fotoin mulu, sampe ketemu orang korea n china, wkwkkw)
7. Mesen makanan di Makudo(McDonald)
 Habis itu pulang. Kita makan di kereta. Yang padahal gak boleh, hahaha, (kak bilal の生ですよ, ウチとデシとアンドリ姉ちゃんが全全缶家ないよ, a.k.a 電車に食べないとかあんなルールが知らないよ「ウチは知ってるけど, この二人は知らないけど、日本語しゃべってないのに、へへ]) Trus kita ke arah 芦屋. Desy mo
 ngambil colokan di rumah kak Bilal. Kalo aku turun di 住吉, terus pulang :)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Walk To Remember

 I'm soo happy today! cause Dad bought me a piano! at last, i can play again! thank you so much dad! 
 Felt a little bit lonely and had nothing to do tonight, i search a music video of "dancing in the moonlight" by toploader. And by accident found a movie called "A Walk To Remember" so i watched it. And god, that was a very very good movie. It was so romantic and made me cry :')

 "In Beaufort, North Carolina, a prank on a student goes terribly wrong and puts the student in the hospital. Landon Carter, a popular student with no defined plans for the future, is held responsible and forced to participate in after-school community service activities as punishment, which include starring as the lead in the school play. Also participating in these activities is Jamie Sullivan, the reverend's daughter who has great ambitions and nothing in common with Landon. When Landon decides he wants to take his activities seriously, he asks Jamie for help and begins to spend most of his time with her. But he starts to develop strong feelings for her, something he did not expect to do. The two start a relationship, much to the chagrin of Landon's old popular friends and Jamie's strict reverend father. But when a heart-breaking secret becomes known that puts their relationship to the test, it is then that Landon and Jamie realize the true meaning of love and fate."  By Anonymous..

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Main ke rumah Lady

 Kyou wa meccha tanoshikatta yo* ^^ Aku ke rumah Lady hari ini. Kayak biasa, parents could be embarrassing sometimes. Masa kesana aja pake acara nganter, nggak banget deh. Aku udah setaun lebih tinggal disini(ee ya), and begitu nyampe di Ashiya(tempat lady tinggal) kitto* dijemput sama kak bilal n lady, pasti save donk? tapi ck, karena ngotot sih, ya mo gimana lagi, emang nasib gue kali ya kayak gini--tak pernah lepas dr ortu.
 *Skip ke "setibanya di Ashiya eki*"
 Begitu nyampe, lady n kak bilal wave at us. So we noticed them. 
I wanted to goo straight at them. But kak bilal already greats my mom and dad, jadi aku pasrah deh --,--"
do you know the most embarrassing part? my mom said "mo di cium dulu?" aaaaaaaarrrrgh!!! shy to the max tau!! gilaaaa XD kak bilal n lady sih ketawa--duh? of course.
 Trus langsung deh, habis ketawa2 kita menuju halte bus. Di jalan kita ngomongin petsos* sama kidzania. Trus pas lagi nunggu.. kak bilal ditelfon sama nomornya tante chandra(mamanya kak ival), pas kak bilal bilang "halo tante?" tiba2 kedengeran suaranya kak Ival, haha :)
 Pas bus nya dateng, kita langsung duduk di ichi ban* back seat. Trus kita ngomongin Al-azhar n guru2 yg ada disitu.
 Pas turun dari bus, kita jalan menuju mansion nya lady n kak bil
al. Jalanannya nanjak, karena di daerah pegunungan gitu, jadinya suzushii(cool) n pemandangannya juga bagus :) rata2 dibalik bangunan disana itu hutan n kuburan. Jadi menurutku.. creepy.. heheheh.
 Oh ya, pas dah nyampe di rumahnya lady, we started the fun. Pertamanya kita main di kamar lady yg also kamar ortunya. Trus akhirnya pindah ke kamar kak Bilal karena mo main the sims. And gk lama kemudian kak Ival dateng, makin asik. Kita main game brg2. Trus kak Dimas gabung, tp gk lama lagi pacarnya dateng, jadi pisah lagi. Kita disitu main2 aja, sumpah kocak bgt.. kak Ival make funny faces n noises that i never seen before. Emang sih pertama kalo baru kenalan tuh agak jaim, tp lama2 that jaim thingy is melt n now, we're just a bunch of people who's seeking fun.
 Habi main GTA, temennya kak Ival n kak bilal dateng, org jepang, namanya Maruyama. Dia warui, katanya lagi berantem sama mamanya toka, well i don't wanna know bout this stuff, jadi lanjut.. pokoknya kita main sampe jam 6. Si Maruyama juga dikerjain, diminta ngerjain pr nya Devi, hahaha.
 Wah pokoknya seneng bgt deh. At the end, mama jemput lagi, padahal udah seneng bgt mau pulang sendiri.. tp ya, udah deh.. pasrahhhhhh... :)
* kyou wa tanoshikatta yo= today was very fun
* kitto= surely
* Ashiya eki= Ashiya station
* petsos= pet society, a game from an application in facebook
* ichi ban= the most

Monday, September 21, 2009

Pray Ied

 Alhamdulillah.. at last after one month fasting, now we're celebrating lebaran. This morning i went to Sanbo Hall, Sannomiya to pray Ied. Even thou we were late one day, but it's better than doesn't pray at all, right? what important is that we have an intention to pray =)
after prayed ied, i played with this bunch of kids ;)

 The people were less than last year. But hey, less people--more place to play for me, lol. I played with Devi, Lady, Dela, and Adiva there. They taught me a game called "Arubusu" it's very fun, like just clapping hands in many ways, also covered by a cute song, the rhythm was kinda like "yankee doodle" but in japanese and different meaning.
The song's like this:
"Arubusu ichimanjyaku koyari no u-e de, arupen o odori saa odori masshou. Lan lalalalalala Lan lalalala la. Lan lalala lalala lan lalalalalala"

 We have a lot of fun. And tomorrow we'll meet again for halal bihalal.. 

* did i mentioned that after sports day, i'll take a break until thursday? if i didn't, at least i told u now :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009


 Today is a historical day of my life. Want to know why? cause today is very amazing. I have a lots of fun today, i don't even remember about my pain!!
 So today.. i was late. heheh. But when am sit in class, everyone glad that i came. And a few minutes after that, we went to the grand. We brought our chairs, towel, and our bottle there. We put our chairs and then we prepared for entering the grand (starting the event).
 After we done with ceremony and stuff, we start the race. Starting from 80m run. And that's my turn. I was very nervous. And you know what? i've got 5th place, and there's 6 peoples running. So i considered myself slow. Well yea it's okay. This is just for fun. Nao also ran for 80m, and she got 1st place, cool huh? she's the greatest.
 Then we go on with other races. And games. It was very very tiring! really.. the good thing: i didn't fated out or nose bleeding, bad thing: am getting tanner by the minute.. T.T
 At 12.00, we took a break. We ate lunch. I was eating with chi-chan, hinako-chan, nao, kae-chan, a-chan, n miki. I told Nao that mbak ani came to school today, and she was like "whooaaa! i wanna meet her!" lol, you should seen her face, it was like she's gonna meet arashi or somethin' hahaha ^^ when kae-chan n others hear about this, they showed me the same reaction.. haha ^^
 After we ate luch. We gather with our club. Art club won't run at the race, cause it's.. art club. We just designed stuff. Other clubs were changing their sports wear into their club's uniform. U should seen track field's uniform. It's really short!! wow!
 While waiting for other clubs, katou senpai-the coolest girl-in school-and-so-tomboy talked to me, i was a lil' bit surprise that she knows me, i mean, i always considered myself as the invisible type. So weird that she knows my name?? let's continue.. i made a promise with katou senpai that we would take our picture together after the event is over. Am so excited, and guess what?(i say this often, so u would probably get used to it, hehe) katou senpai's more excited than me, well good thing to know :)
 Then after the other clubs has finished changing, we went to our chairs. Before we went. Someone from soccer team called me. I think he's 2nd or 3rd grade, he came to me. And say something and i don't even understand --,--
my guess is this:
1. don't forget to cheer me, ok?
or 2. hey, do you know there's ochapa(a leaf from tea, i drank chi-chan's tea at lunch) in your teeth?
i hope he said number 1!!
 The race between clubs has started. With music from music club, they're entering the grand with their cool uniforms. wow. At this moment, i found my crush wearing baseball uniform.. so cute!! ♥ ♥
When the soccer team comes, i heard someone says "aah, there's vina chan" i hope they didn't say that. *SKIP
so, the race has started, they doin' rire~. At first round, basketball won the race, And at 2nd round, the track field team's won. Isn't it obvious? :)
 After that, we saw the race between the fastest runner in our class. They were really fast! maya joins this race, she's got the 5th place, but i gotta admit, she's awesome back there. About a few minutes later, they continued with 向洋操 it's a traditional game at my school. So the rule is:
1. you gotta run with your jumping rope
2. then you get into a bag, and jump (in indonesia, we call it 'balap karung' and in japan, we call it 麻袋, what do you call it in your country??)
3. race using a can. There are cans with rope in each side, you have to step on the can, and you have to move it by pull up the rope)
4. jump over the.. eh, i dunno what it's called. even in my language --,--"
5. get into the net
6. go to the finish line
pretty tough right? it's cool thou.
 After all the race is over, we continued with attractions from boys. They were awesome. They did some danger tricks but somehow they made it. Everyone-the audience clap their hands really loud, i could barely hear it out of school. Then, the dance!! we played as best as we could. Everyone starts to say "whoaaaa" when we used our cloth. We close the event with a ceremony. At the end, our senpai told us the result of the game, my class loosed. And we just laughed at each other :)
 Before went home, we brought back the chairs etc right where we started from. This is really necessary to me, the teacher should do this, cause we were really TIRED!! but we did it anyway. And because of this, i didn't got the chance to take a picture with katou senpai.. huaaaaaa... X'( [i blame the teacher] >:D

Friday, September 11, 2009

What a great day?

 Ok, so, today at sport period, we practiced for 体育大会(sports day), we played a game--i don't know how to say it, but the game was like this:
1. you have run with your friends(1- 4 people) while bring a stick to the rubber con, if you made it there, you have to turn there and go to the other con.
2. You have to comeback to the place u started, because your classmates waiting for their turn too.
3. If you did that, the person who holds the stick in the end side will lower the stick, so your classmate can jump over it. And the other 2 person who was in the middle, will wait in the end of the row. After that, that 2 person who ran can switch their job to those middle person. The person who has run can sit. Now, the 2 of them higher the stick(everyone will duck at this time) they have to reach the next players who's waiting in the front of the row, then give it to them.
4. And then, it goes on until everyone got their turn.

pretty complicated, huh? i think it would be much easier if you saw the game. Yea, i think so --,--

 The funny thing was (look at #3), when the stick comes, one of my friend name Takida(everybody says he's a  loser, cause he has a biiiiiiiiiig biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig head) anyway, this guy felt down with an.. um, uncomfortable position. How can i say this politely? ok, i got it. DIA NIBAN HITOMI-CHAN!!! ok, there i say it ^^
everyone was laughed very hard. And so did i, i can't stand it, it's tooooo funny!! Takida just blushed, and went away, aww, feel bad for him, but he also laughed, so, i guessed he don't takes it seriously. As for Hitomi-chan, oh well, she couldn't say anything. I think we all know why.

 I didn't go to club today, i was sooo tired. So i went home. And guess what? I found my Mbak Ani in my house!! Mbak Ani= Ms. Ani, she's the one who take care of me since i was a born, until now. She's my everything to me. I'm so glad that she's here! now i can eat her delicious foods and share stuff bout boys, haha.
 And that's not it! i also found my skateboard!!(my dad bought it for me, in China), And foods from my grandma for Lebaran. Speaking of lebaran, i also got 3 new shirts from Vicra's mom(my elementary school pal)
 This is soooo great! I can't believe it myself. I have such a great life ^^~

P.S i doodling all day, am not sure why, but if you see my notes, its almost filled with my doodles on it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I can't tell am lucky or not today?

 This morning, when i pick up Nao n Maya, i found nobody's in the lobby. At first, i thought i was too early, cause it's still 7.23. But! when peoples started to walking around, i had a bad feeling that i've been left behind. Or in other words, they ditch me! but i just read my novels for a few minutes, incase they show up. And guess what? Nao n Maya didn't showed up! i was really confused. And then suddenly, Nao's mom n Nao's sister--Kiho stands in front of the lobby. I pushed the handle on the automatic door so they could come in. And right doing that, Nao's mom started say things that i barely believe. "She already went to school" (incase you want to know what she says)
 I just said "HEEEEEE???" and then took my bag, n walk to school. Not in the Mood to go. But then Nao's mom ran to me, and asking me questions like "how long have you been waiting?" "there's no one there right? did you met Nami and Mako chan?" (Nami n Mako's also my friend. But different class. Nami is Nao's classmate, and Mako is Maya's. Back at Elementary school, we were close. And since j.h.s we went to school together. But if Nami and Mako has a morning practice to do, they usually left early.. like this morning for example)
 Arrived at school. I saw the clock, and it was 7.35, wow, i've been waiting for 15 minutes.. why did it feels like i've been waiting for.. um, ever?!!
 Nao standing in front of my class, talking with Ayumi. She was surprised to saw me, and so was i. "Did you went to the mansion this morning?" and i just nodded, she says "SORRY!!!" but, i just went to class. I was supposed to change my uniform n went to the court to practice. But, like i said Not.In.The.Mood. So i stayed. Prepare my text books n stuff. 
 Then i saw Maya. She smiled n came to me. Guessed what she said? she said "I thought you went with Nao" what the? So Nao left ME and MAYA?? how come? haha.. oh well. That's that.

 Today Ayano sensei came to school. I was so glad she came. I could ask every stuff that i dunno.
 Oh yea, am not really sure about this, but i think my science teacher likes Ayano sensei. Bcause, he always stared at us(me and Ayano sensei) and, when i left her(doin' science stuff with my friend) I heard Oshumi Sensei talked with Ayano sensei. My science teacher talks a lot, but Ayano sensei just replied with "oh really?" "really?" "haha" LOL, i wanted to laugh, but i just smiled. Hope no one sees me acting kinda weird.

 Anyway, i didn't sleep enough yesterday, so i was a little bit sleepy. (After prayed this morning, i did my "undone" summer homework until 6.00 Am. So, i want to sleep early now, i don't want to yawn at class. It's kinda embarrassing to me. So, Bye!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Whoaah busy!

"Dude, can't believe it, am busy again. Just like old times, don't have enough time to write my beloved blog. There are 2 things that i cannot leave behind.. 1. Study so i could get a better high score in this semester, wether for japanese school or indonesian school. 2. write my feelings n my day in my blog. I guess i have to choose 1 of 'em, if not i won't made my target for this year. Hard time. Hard time."

 Anyway, today i went to club. I was afraid at first, cause i thought the leader will mad at me cause am not often went to club. But, when i step my foot in that art room, senpai tachi surround me and says "long time no see" etc that makes my day, oh well, one of the reasons i like Japanese school. They're all very nice ^^
 I also went home with Kushida senpai(the leader of my club) today. And guess what? i found out that she lives in the same mansion as Maya Shibata!! and that means, i have a lots of seniors live near me. (neighbors) Too bad the
y didn't live in Koute(own house). If that's happen, i would play and meet them every time!
 Oh, and, i gotta go, still have to finnish this undone summer homework, see ya later!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday: the last day on the week

 I'm so glad this is the last day of school(for this week) I'm soooo in a big trouble you see. Not about the picture i posted yesterday whichi've deleted it, BUT b'cause i forgot sooo many important things. Dejavu huh?

Things i forgot to bring, again:
1. Rapport.
2. Summer Vacation homework's.
3. A paper(i kinda have to design the cover for music council's book)that i supposed to give to Yuka this morning.

 But, the good thing is, i can asked for another paper, then drew it for her, i mean, for my class. 

 Di sekolah hari ini p.e(physical education) nya 2x, kayak kemaren. Hari ini latihan dance nya udah belajar formasi a, i, u... yokatta, ternyata renshuu nya lebih cepet drpada yg
 aku bayangin ^^
Trus pas p.e yg kedua, kls 1-3 udah nyusun barisan juga buat lomba nanti. Tapi sedihnya aku kebagian lari paling pertama.. karena barisan aku paling depan. Well, good thi
ng nya aku gak di paling pinggir, tapi di tengah. (Ada 8 orang setiap barisannya, aku urutan ke 3 dr kanan)

 Hari ini aku nggak ikut club lagi. Padahal udah seminggu, haduh.. alasannya sih mau buat pr, tapi nyampe rumah aku gk bisa dr laptop aku, n my blog of course. Anyway, pr aku yg belum selesai cuma 4 lagi sih:
1. Bikin report ttg science project yg aku bikin (Science)
2. Bikin essay (bhs jepang)
3. Bikin puisi (bhs jepang)
4. Bikin koran ttg Kobe (IPS)
 Itu aja sih pr yg belum selesai. Tapi kayaknya ngerjain itu dalam 2 hari, kayaknya bakal selesai kalo gak istirahat. Kenapa? karena apa2 harus di translate ke bhs jepang dulu. N belum tentu email yg aku kasih ke translator aku langsung dibaca n langsung di reply. Translator aku kan sibuk? 
 Iya aku tau, kalo mau bikin kayak gini harusnya kan dr jauh hari. Pas Summer Vacation kan 2 bulan, cukup donk, malah lebih waktunya? Iya iya, tpi aku spend vacation itu untuk les bhs jepang di HIA and ke China AND ke Indonesia. "Kenapa harus ke china?" well, untuk pertanyaan yg itu, ask my mom --,--

Tomorrow's plan?
 Still dunno what am gonna do tomorrow.. besides doin' my undone homework, i think am gonna clean the house, and um.. after that, maybe i wanna read some cool novels; 
. like "Emily the strange" i kinda have a crush on this book recently, hehe, it's a cool book ya now; 
. and.. Amelia's middle school survival guide by Marissa Moss. I bought this novel at the airport on my way back to japan. And it's a packet with "Emily"
. and maybe i wanna do my chores (am not sure bout this thou)

Bad News:
 I found my DIARY on my PARENTS DESK!!!!! semoga isinya gak di baca deh. Mom said that she only saw my picture with cut(choot)--my best friend. What a relive. The annoying part is when Devi(my sis) take my diary wherever she founds it. And  not just it, she also read it!! *sob

 Today's my aunt's b'day, "HAPPY B'DAY TANTE IGET! WISH YOU ALL THE BEST! hope you buy me a mie ayam! LOL" ^^

 OK, i think it's enough for todays post. See ya later!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sungguh hari yang.. (tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata2)

 So, hari ini aku lupain banyak barang. Bener2 deh, padahal udah aku siapin. Tololnya itu, nggak sengaja aku tinggalin di meja belajar, urgh --,--

 few things i've forgot:

1. 備忘録 (bibouroku~kayak buku harian di sekolah; buat nyatet bawaan untuk besok)

2. 筆箱 (tempat pensil, gah!)

3. ゼッケン (kayak label nama gitu yang ditempelin di baju; buat olah raga)

 udah gitu tadi pas pelajaran bahasa jepang, sensei nya bilang "masa ada anak yg soal kanji nya gak di isi sama sekali, bagian sebelahnya aja yang di isi, itu juga kayaknya ngisinya suka2 dia" dari awal kalimat, aku udah nyadar yang dimaksud itu aku. Karena ya, waktu itu emang bener aku gak ngisi kanjinya, karena gak belajar. Ini emang salah aku. Tapi kalo "ngisinya suka2" hah? itu aku udah capek2 ngisi lagi! bener2 pula! terus pas Akiyoshi minta dikasih tau namanya, kata sensei nya "kasian ah" aaaarrrgh kalo kasian ngapain di ubar2 buuu.. 

ok, stop granting!

 Good newsnya, tadi pas pelajaran kokugo B, sensei nya hampir ngelus rambut aku karena aku udah bikin koran make versi bhs jepang (sebelum natsu yasumi, kita disuruh bikin shitagaki[draft] koran ttg diri kita sendiri. Waktu itu aku nulisnya pake english. Terus pas musim panas, aku bikin lagi yg baru, make bhs jepang. Tadinya aku kira itu pr, ternyata nggak!pertamanya aku kira sia2 usaha aku, eeh, trus pas kata sensei nya suruh nyalin shitagaki nya ke kertas yg baru, aku nyalin yg bhs jepang, trus pas sensei nya liat, dia lgsg seneng, whaha, ternyata gak sia2 usaha aku, thanks Allah ^^)

 Hari ini ulangan IPS nya juga udah dibagiin. Tapi sensei nya gak ngomong kayak kokugo A sensei tuh, malah diem aja. N dia pernah bilang, kalo bhs jepangnya susah, bicara sma dia. それ方がいいんちゃう?