Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meeting Mr.President xD

Gue gak pernah nyangka..gue, iya gue.. bisa ketemu sama seorang presiden. Mimpiin ketemu presiden aja kagak pernah. Ckck... kok bisa yaaa ._.

Long story short, gue kepilih untuk mewakili putri2 indo yang tinggal di Beijing untuk nyambut bapak presiden kita warga indonesia, pak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono alias SBY di Beijing tanggal 22 Maret 2012 kemaren.

Seminggu sebelum beliau datang, beberapa anak indo disuruh ngumpul di KBRI. Katanya sih, kita bakal nyambut SBY pas dia dateng nanti, kita belum tau pasti tugas kita apaan. Pas gue sama temen2 gue ngumpul di KBRI, sama anak2 indo lain.. tiba2 ada temen gue bilang "eh vin, ntar titip salam gue buat SBY ya.." "iya tanyain kit-katnya mana" gue pas dibilang gitu masih gak ngeh. Trus mereka bilang lg "elo kan kepilih jadi yg ngasih bunga di airport"

jantung gue berhenti...

"iye lo ama si *beep* berdua di airport, kita yg lain mah di hotel hahahaha"

trus gue tanya "hah? *beep* siapa?"

"ituuu.. yg itu tuh" *nunjuk ke kumpulan anak cowo "itu anaknya pak dubes, ciee"

mau pingsan =_=
gue kagak dikasih tau apa2 ttg ini. Shocked. Trus akhirnya kita disuruh denger briefing. Tp gk lama abis itu gue dipanggil.. terus om2 yg manggil gue itu bisik2 sama nyokap gue.. kata die

"Bu, jadi anak ibu
ini yang nanti ngasihbunga
ke bu Ani ya bersama putra pak Dubes"

JGEEEER... beneran. Gue kira boongan =_=
dari jauh temen2 gue ngeliatin muka gue serius banget. Terus gue balik ke mereka... gue blg mereka bener. Trus mereka ngebahas lg ttg departure n stuff.


Nyokap seharian bantuin gue beli barang2 buat tanggal 22. Nyariin gue high heels, nyariin gue anting kalung gelang, dll. Pokoknya nyokap yg repot. Gue jujur ga nganggep acara ini begitu penting.. karena emang gue ga pernahngarep untuk dapetin opportunity kayak gini. Itu pemikiran gue waktu itu. Ga lebih. Sampe akhirnya.. bokap gue bilang ke gue.. jarang orang dapet opportunity kayak gini... dan setelah gue pikir2.. iye juga ya.. meheheh -__- trus gue mulai care dikit ama acara ini. Lanjut,
High heels yg dibeli itu tingginya 7cm. Dan yg lo pada harus tau. GUE. BENCI. HIGH. HEELS. Muahahaha. Dari kecil gue kalo pake sepatu yg rada tinggi dikit aja gue kesandung. Nah gimana ini. Bayangan gue itu gue jatoh di depan presiden pas ngasih bunga. Malu-maluin. Iya.. tambah malu-maluin aja gue ntar =_=


Gue cerita ke best friends gue di sekolah ttg ini. Justru mereka yg lebih excited daripada gue. Um.. anyhow.. Temen gue insisted gue bawa high heelsnya ke sekolah and they want me to wear them for the whole day! it was insane.Well, the one who told me to was my korean best friend, she wears high heels same like she wear sport shoes.. she can run with it. So.. wearing high heels will be a challenge for me.
Day 1 begins... i look totally awesome with the heels.. until. They saw me walk.


yeah i walked funny. My guy friend keeps makin fun of me, it was annoying lol. But then i made some improvements.. i walked through the st
airs without falling and could walk normally.

Day 2.. i walked faster. But at this day, i also broke my heels. The very bottom part of one my heel was dislodged. I ran through the hall and heard this weird sound.. like "CRACK!" but i ignored it and ran off to class. Until i realized one of my shoe were missing a part. So then i went back.. and there was the sweeping lady...

hell, she scares me. My friends and i wereso afraid if she trashedthe part i'm looking for. But guess what, she has it in her tray =_= my friend too
k it and we ran off to our homeroom lol. The lady left us with a blank face. No expression.

I sticked the part on. It was easy, like a puzzle complete it. And i could walk normally again. I was just afraid if it will dislodge again.


Ini dia hari yang dinanti-nanti. Gue keluar sekolah jam 12, langsung ke kantor bokap trus ke salon.. trus ke KBRI. Pas nyampe situ gue radakaget kalo heels gue yg paling beda.. mereka dandannya simple.. gue jd ga pede. Tp pas denger kata temen gue i looked okay. I tried to be confidence. Sampe detik itu gue belum kenal sama anaknya pak dubes n belum tau tugas kita pasti. So.. i was nervous.
Sesampainya di hotel, kita nunggu2 bntar. Terus ada cowok nyamperin gue n temen2 gue. Dia bilang.. "Vina ya? kebawah yuk.. mau di brief" from there i can tell that he was my partner. The son of the indonesian ambassador. Gue kebaw ah turun tangga pake heels 7cm itu. Syukur2 gue udah lancar jalannya.. karena tangganya lumayan panjang gue hati2.
Sampe bawah dijelasin tugas gue sama partner gue. Jd gue megang bunganya, trus bunganya gue kasih ke partner gue, trus dia yg ngasih ke bu Ani.. istrinya pak SBY. Kita basa basi bntar, bcanda trus balik ke atas. Nyampe atas... gue sm dia dicengin anak2.
Pas gue ke kumpulan anak cewe.. gue dipanggil "vina vina" gue jawab "apa?" trus dibales sama mereka "kebawah yuk" i was like..

It was hilarious thou :))
Trus kita foto2 bareng... serasa putri indonesia.. sampe akhirnya gue dipanggil lagi.

Kali ini gue mules.. gue udh harus siap mental dan harus udh bisa nerima kedatangan presiden RI. Tapi trus tugas gue diganti lagi... jadi bukan partner gue yg ngasih bunga... tapi gue. Kata satu orang lagi yg dateng dr luar "Yang
ngasih harus yang cewek" gue diem... deg2an. Trus gue ngobrol lagi sama partner gue. Kenalan lbh dalem (ga dalem sih, ngalihin perasaan deg2an) lucunya pas ngomong ama dia deg2annya gue ilang. Udah kebawa suasana kali ya. Ngeliat orang2 lain yg berdiri di gedung itu yg mau nyambut juga kayaknya biasa aja, jadi gue ikut biasa. Gue becanda2 aja terus.. duduk bareng.. trus mondar-mandir (guenya, ok gue bocah) trus tb2 suasana langsung hening, pada baris. Kembali mules.....

Gue sama partner gue berdiri dibelakang pintu. Pintunya dibuka... anginnya masuk. Damn.. it was cold. Gue gak pake apa2 lagi dibawah ke
baya gue.. karena ga ada baju yg pas sama kebayanya.. Sampe gue dipenjemin selendang sam
a nyokapnya temen gue yg baris disamping gue. Gue ngeliat partner gue disambut sama bapak2 ibu2 yg ga gue kenal. Kayaknya sosok penting wkwk.

Nah, trus2.. setiap mobil yg lewat gue kira mo
bil SBY.. gue panik.. trus partner gue nenangin gue. Bocah gue bner2 keluar -_- Trus gue bilang ke ibu2 sebelah "tante, aku deg2an nih.." trus dijawab "Baru pertama kali yaa?? deg2an mana ketemu SBY atau cowonya?" trus ibu yg disebelahnya lagi bilang "Ya beda atuh tanteeee deg2annya"
dalem hati gue mikir....
gue kan ga punya cowok ._.

Akhirnya.. pintunya dibukain dan gue sama *beep* disuruh keluar. Gue maju.. dan...
mobil mersi itu ada di depan gue. Gue ngeliat
presiden gue duduk di dalemnya.. keluar dari mobil.. Istrinya keluar dari pintu sebelahnya... mereka berdiri. Gue beraksi..

"selamat datang di Beijing Bu Ani dan Pak SBY" gue pasang senyum gue yg se best2nya trus gue kasih bunganya... trus beliau bilang

"aduuh makasih yaaa" senyumnya ngingetin gue sama eyang gue.. hehe

trus gue jabat tangan sama bu Ani, trus gue jabat tangan sama pak SBY, beliau basa basi "apa kabar" trus gue mikir


ok norak.. tp gue gk jd hyper gitu. Gue jaim pas salaman, berusaha stay calm. Trus mereka masuk.. gue legaaaaaa bgt. Trus si partner bilang
"wah kita ancur"
guenya jleb... gue udh ngerasa tadi fine2 aja
"posisi kita miring"
ternyata dia perfectionist permisa2... wkwk, gue bilang "yaudalah yg penting udah :D"
trus kita handshake sama org yg yg kayaknya penting... wkwkwk

Gue sm partner gue masuk... legaaaaaaa bgt. Gue ngeliat banyak bgt rombongannya SBY.. banyak kamera, wartawan, banyak yg ngeshoot.. ckckck. Masuk tipi ga ya gue wkwk :P

That was one of the most amazing night in my life... gue bangga :")

Monday, March 19, 2012

New place to explore!! :D

Hey fellas,

It's been a while. I know. I'm always late for everything :P Especially updating my blog. I'm gonna tell you guys what happened after i moved to Beijing. Here's what happens:

- I spent my last day in Japan by hanging out with some of my friends. That whole day felt so fast, and funny from the way i remembered it actually.

So, that day, me, tsuno, maya, chi_chan were suppose to meet at Rink, a mall near my place. We're gonna take purikkura. But since my phone's not working anymore, it was hard to meet 'em ya know. I was the one who came to the mall first, then chi_chan came.. we're suppose to meet another maya (we've got a lot of friends named maya btw) so let's just say, the one i wanted to meet was maya1. We couldn't reach her.
Chi_chan and i made a few calls, but it didn't work. We were like walking around the mall for 30 minutes but still couldn't find her. Then, we decided to watch a movie without her. It was mean, i know -_-

We watched "Sanctum" about 2 hours i think. After we went out, we met tsuno and maya2.. we were really surprised cause they said that they tried to call us but we didn't pick it up (we were watching the whole time) so then we explained.. and took the purikura. We chatted, walked around the mall and stuff, long story short after we were about to go home.. maya1 called us. And she said she was waiting at the different part of the mall. Me and chi_chan felt soooooo guilty....

Evening, around 7 pm me and chi_chan went to Maya1's apartment. We said sorry and stay there for an hour. We took pictures and walked in front the hotel since it has a nice few. It was fun... i was so sad because i knew, after that night.. i couldn't be able to see their faces, or this lovely island again.

Maya2, Me, Chi_chan, Tsuno♥

Chi_chan, Me, Maya1
We were trying to jump in this picture, but as you can see.. it's so FAIL hahahah

- The day i'm leaving, the hotel was so damn crowded.. Raisa's whole classmates, my friends, and devi's friends. It was crazy. I promised Xiu that i will be at the airport by 10. And because of this un extraordinary people, i was late hahahaha. I reached the airport around 11.30 ish. Xiu was freakin mad at me. But, meh.. it was okay after 5 minutes HAHAHA. I talked to a lot of Garuda's crew there.. it's funny cause i never had a real conversation before.. except for my dad's assistance, cause they will be around every time. The conversation i had with them was lovely.. every single person, they were so nice. And offer me a place to stay if i ever come back again to Japan♥

- Beijing!!!! i'm arrived. The first thing i've said was: "i couldn't see the blue sky :(" oh well hahaha. Beijing reminds me of Jakarta. But, here, they have like the tallest building evaaaa~
We couldn't find an apartment for a week. Cause my dad really wants our opinion too so he had waited for us to come to Beijing. We kept changing hotels till we find the right one to stay. We explored Beijing... in a way :P

Oh and yea.. we can't open FB, twitter, youtube, BLOGGER, or any exciting sites here. Probably bcause of the government doesn't want the people to spread news on what's happening in china trough those websites.. maybe. I'm using VPN here so i can open it. I've got the VPN, after we got an apartment. So, the apartment i live in now is a new apartment. Every time my friends asked me "where do you live?" and when i answered, they gave me the face. The "Was there even a place called ****** in Beijing?" kinda face -_- Even the taxi drivers doesn't know as well.

- School.. so far, i had a lot of fun :) There's a program this school for every new students. It's like, you need to learn in a different class for 6 months, and the class will be in Chinese. By the end of the semester, we need to chose wether we want to continue to the chinese class or IB class. This program existed to help the foreigners to go to university in China or go abroad.. i like the basic idea, but honestly.. during that 6 months class.. i learned nothing. It was... crap. HAHA. The teacher always mad, they came to class and spent the whole 45 minutes to yell for something we did and wasn't really worth-to discuss about. I'll give you an example, one time.. my friend came to the class late, 5 minutes late.. and the teacher yelled at my friend for 45 minutes just for that damn 1 thing. It's stupid.. so we didn't really study. The only REAL class we had was chinese. With this cool teacher, unfortunately he's a patient guy.. so he handled us well :)) (not that i'm trying to say that we're trouble)

Class is more interesting and fun, after we through with that class. I'm an official 10th grade now (finally T.T) hehe, and i considered myself lucky cause i've got 2 indonesian classmates. A guy and a girl. The guy speaks english like water, and the girl speaks chinese as if like it's her mother tongue. And for me.. i speak 40% indonesian 40% english 20% Japanese. And i can't use one language at a time. FAIL. hahahaha -_-

And here in Beijing we actually have a lot of indonesians. Unlike in Japan ._.
The people are productive here.. and funny mehehe :3
I like living here..

It's been 6 months now.. DAYUMN it's fast. When i was in Japan i felt 6 months like 2 years -_-

Umm umm.. starts talking random stuffs

Beijing doesn't have spring. So now's suppose to be spring but it snowed yesterday. How weird is that =_= and most of my friends says after winter is gonna be summer. The temperature changes fast so i need to be ready. Hell yeah this country's weather's weird :))

Ummm... It's 12.30 am now.. i'm gonna go to bed.
Or i would die for tmrw's class.. or today's class hehe. Kay,
Sleep tight!

Wan an♥

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Moved! Hello Sheraton!

Hey guys.. so starting now i'm staying at Sheraton Hotel ^^
The bad news is.. there's no wifi, so i couldn't bbm my friends :(
But thanks to the cable that the hotel provided i still can use the internet. My life would goes like this till October 9th. Hmmm.. i missthe old facilities.. lol.

We've been packing since morning, i mean like.. weeks ago. But we worked really hard today. We took our stuff away, so the house is now empty.. and it would make the neighborhood more.. like a graveyard. No sound. Very quiet. And at night.. very dark.. lol. Oh, and it reminds me.. Halloween's coming soon! i wonder what halloween would be like in China :))

Xiu came to my house when we're packing.. i played with her for a while.
She said everyone in class said that she's a bit lonely now lol :))
and since i'm gone.. she'll face the annoying GEE alone. Well, i pray the best foryou Xiu..
hope you can face her till graduation. Good Luck!! ^^

Oh, do you know the truck that carries things for people when they moved?? it came to my house today. It was very big.. it's the first time i saw it in my life,, so i was a bit norak wkwkwk. When we're going to move to Japan.. we didn't use that truck. Well.. i don't remember at all actually -__-" anyways, it looked like in the movie.. :P

the.. i don't know what it's called-truck :P

hell yeah.. so many stuff

It was like yesterday, the first time i went to this house :(

Soon they will took the Gaijin name away..
This house IS unique cause it has Gaijin name on it :P
*Gaijin → foreigners*

I'm gonna miss this Jap House A-LOT!! it has so many memories.. Never gonna forget my Jap-House :* :))

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Moving


It's 12.46 am in Japan.. in my bedroom. Tonight's the last night i'm going to stay in this house. Wow.. how time flies. Rasanya baru kemaren gue nginjek kamar ini.. terus ngedekor kamar ini sendiri. Eh... tau2nya gue harus pindah lagi. Mulai besok gue bakal tinggal di Kobe Bay Sheraton... sampe tgl 10. After that.. we will move to....

*langsung kepikir Karate Kid sm Kung Fu Panda* :P


Yep, i finally say it. My dad got a job in Beijing. As for me.. i'm going to learn a newlanguage again... *mati* wkwkwkw. Wish me luck.. cause.. gue biasanya udah pusing kalo denger orang China ngomong T-T But,... i guess it would be cool if i could speak chinese fluently :P


Since today was my last day @ school.. My classmates made a surprise for me. It was pretty sweet.. i'm touched! :"D They gave me messages and we took a picture together..
And.. disaat-saat kayak gini, mulai ketauan yg mana yg temen beneran sama yg temen untuk sementara aja wkwk.


Rumah gue isinya dus semua.. hhh. Piano juga besok bakal diangkut :|
Kamar gue juga udah kosong melompong.. kinda creepy.. i didn't remember how big my room was.. guess i put too much stuff :P

And.. besok juga.. mbak ani bakal balik ke Indo.. hh sepiiii :<
Well.. life goes on.

From now on.. i will learn Chinese with Xiu's mom!! I practiced Chinese with Xiu every morning actually.. and guess what. When i tried to say a sentence.. she said i'm wrong.. like.. every time.. then she pronounced it again.. and.. you know what? IT SOUNDS THE SAME!!!
Chinese is hardddddddddd -__________-
I managed to do stuff that i want this summer... like.. summer fes turned out FUN!! Here are the pictures... :))

Bwahahaha it was fun. Um, and starting tomorrow i will have nothing.. yep NOTHING to do.. so it's gonna be pretty boring. Let see what crazy stuff i could do at the hotel :P

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer 2011

Hey-all! um, I just got back from Indo this morning :D man, i'm tired.. i didn't sleep at all! Ok, so my summer goes like this:

I hanged out with Xiu and Yuri! We went to Varieties and Yuri's house. We took crazy pictures at the shop. Thepeople were like staring at us all the time. But who cares? Iwanted to havefun xD Here are some of the pictures.. Gosh it was fun!

You know.. I don't even think we're even aloud to takin' pictures with stuff that we don't buy. Especially making noises... um.. so the 3 of us looked like a total freak LOL.


Here are the pictures at Yuri's residence.. We went here afterthen (:

And.. July 25th was Yuri's b'day! So.. we went to USJ :D

Yuri got a special treatment in USJ cz she was having a birthday. And guess what? Yuri's b'day has the same date as USJ's birthday! Happy b'day you both! haha :D


On 26th i went back to Indonesia. Say.. i met my friends.. but only for 3 weeks. I couldn't get enough time to meet them all. And the worst part is that cause i was often went somewhere, i'm broke right now. I need to regain the money i've spend D: D: D: that sucks!!
So.. summer break still goin until september. And hell, i don't even finish my homework yet. Screw my school, why do we have to do homework??? It's vacation fyi.. everybody wants a BREAK so we called it SUMMER BREAK -_-""


I'm sooooo bored right now. And since i'm fasting.. i'm kinda hungry heheh :P What do you guys do when you're bored?? online?? sleep?? i'm reeeally not good with boredom .___.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last Day Of School!!!

Malam blog!! :D

Hari ini last day of school! Td pagi sempet ada typhoon jd kita masuk jam 12.50 gitu, trus ceremony trus pulang. Tp as for me and my sister yg baru masuk smp, kita ada acara tambahan di sekolah. And that was.. ngomongsama guru2 di counseling room. Guess what we're talked about! yep, the moving thing. So my mom planned to stay with me and my sisters till i graduated. So that means, my dad will go alone first to wherever country he will go. Jujur ada senengnya, ada nggaknya jg. Senengnya: bisa main sama Xiu, Yuri, dll lbh lama lg :D Nggak senengnya: masih harus ngikut ujian, sama harus ngadepin GEE. Gee (re: ji) itu julukan yg gue bkin buat classmate gue yg gue keselin. Knp namanya ji? soalnya dalam bhs jepang kata "jiman" artinya "pamer" nah kebetulan ada lagu SNSD - GEE, kan ada part "gee gee gee gee baby baby" nah gue ngeganti jadi "ji ji ji ji-man ji-man" yaah kurang lebih begitu -_- julukan ini dipake gue, xiu, sama yuri. Krn tu orang suka pamer. Well, i guess i have to bee patient till march....

Anyways, hari ini gue ngeberesin kamar dan nyadar kalo banyak foto berserakan dimana-mana. So I decided tobuy an album. And i did it! My mom won't lend me money at first. So then i try to find money in my wallet. I've got this really bad habit of place money in my book since i don' have a bookmark :p And yes i found it in one of my books, my bag,the other wallet.. and.. the total is 5,492 yen!!!! mwahahahahhaha :))

But you know what? pas gue kesana ternyata it only costed 199 yen -_______-


Oh ya, barusan aja papa beli horden baru buat gue. The color is... green, with flowers all over it. Rame bgt, pas dipasang gue ngerasa kayak tidur di dalem hutan -_- soalnya lantainya udh kayu, so.. ya.. berasa dlm pohon -_-

It looks like that... wkwkwkwk. Is it too much?? my mom said it's cute thou :P

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's been 3 years

Wow, gk nyangka udah tiga tahun gue tinggal disini. Berarti sebentar lagi gue akan pindah lg, ngikut kemana bokap pergi. Belakangan gue denger isu2 kalo bokap bakal dipindahin. Well, wherever he goes, i'll always support him :)

Oh ya, ttg UN. Wihii alhamdulillah.. I PASSED!! Nem gue gk bagus2 amat sih.. 33,30 rata2nya 8,1. Hmm lumayan lah, pengennya sih 36 keatas.. tp berhubung banyak pelajaran yg ketinggalan jd i can't get my hopes up. Tp gue cukup bersyukur sm nem nya :)
Selama di indo banyak bgt kejadian2 yg luar biasa gk bs gue lupain. I've had the best birthday party in my 15yo life :D Temen2 sama keluarga bikin surprise buat gue, i was touched hehehe :D
Di Indo jg gue belajar banyak hal. Ada beberapa orang yg bkin gue sadar kalo gue harus bersyukur sama apa yg Allah kasih di hidup gue. Masih banyak orgyg kurang beruntung dibanding kita. Kita gk boleh complain mulu. And i also learned to bemore sensitive to those people around me. Gk boleh egois, dll. And i think i changed to be a better person. Gue gk bs ngejudge sendiri, tp efeknya gue rasain dr sekeliling gue jg.. jd gue yakin kalo gue udh lbh dewasa drpd dulu. Semoga ini terus berlanjut deh, Amin.

About the issue.. gue denger bokap bakal dipindahin kurang lebih 3 bulan lg. Damn it's fast, masalahnya kalo gue jg pindah.. gue gk bs graduation di smp jepang. But.. come to think of it, gue udh punya ijazah lulus smp dr FH so i think it's enough :D (thou i hope i get the yearbook from koyo j.h.s, hihi japanese yearbook are awesome)
Berhubung tinggal 3 bulan lagi.. gue pengen summer ini jd one of the most unforgettable moments in my life. Harus fun, so gue bs cabut dengan hati legowo wkwk.

Sabtu Minggu Senin ini gue libur. Dan gue berhasil jalan2 ama org yg gue sayang :D So here are the things i've done:

Sabtu: nonton Indonesian Movie Festival di Shinsaibashi sm Dina, Irfa, n my fam. Dina sm Irfa bntar lg kuliah. Dina will go to Malaysia and Irfa will go to Singapore. I talked to them about college,, and damn i think i need to be serious when i'm in high school.

Minggu: Mom's birthday!! we went to Kyoto to watch Gion Matsuri. I led the way btw (bangga) seneng rasanya bhs jepangnya udh lancar.. mau kemana aja gampang soalnya gampang nanyanya. Jd kebayang 3 taun yg lalu waktu masih gagap bhs jepangnya.. rasanya dunia suram bgt wkwkwk :P Oh ya hbs nntn Gion Matsuri kita makan2 trus sempet ke Baskin Robin jg. Asik bgt deh kalo ada yg ultah wkwkwk.

Senin: Today! today i went to Sannomiya with my pals. Yuri, Xiu, and Liu. Kita ngebowling di ROUND1 sama karaokean. Pas ngebowling gue sempet ngestrike terus, tp lama2 mood jd kurang baik jd bolanya bahkan gk kena sm sekali -_-" pas karaoke kita ngabisin 3 jam.. we like to singgggg! walaupun diantara kita ada yg gk bs nyanyi (re: vina) :P Summer ini gue pengen banyakin main sm mereka, cz gue tau waktu gue di Jepang tinggal dikit. Rencananya tgl 25 nanti mau ke USJ. Wish us luck! ;)

Can't wait for summer Vacation :D

summer break starts on July 20th!