Monday, August 24, 2009

Became a common student

 Hari ini aku mulai ikut sekolah di FH, for real, i mean attend it. Well, biasanya kan aku lewat webcam, tapi sekarang, i meet 'em face to face, wow.. yeah wow. I don't have that kind of guts to face them all, so i didn't join the classes. Today, aku cuma belajar sama Bu fortin aja, di lab lantai 3. That's the place for jhs n shs students. A lil' bit nervous, but since i'm seperated with other, "i feel usual--like when i'm alone." that's what i thought, before.. 2 guys from 9th grade came to me. I thought they only wanna talked to Bu Fortin, but i guessed i'm wrong?! they came to me n say hi to me. I know, what they did IS nice, but! i think u all know that i'm.. "not brave" especially meeting n talking to boys(except for my guy bf's n relatives of course) so.. suaraku nda keluar.. kaku bgt sumpah.. ckck --,--
So, it was like this: (I won't tell Mr. D's true identity)
 D: "Hi, dr Jepang ya?"
 Me: "Iya"
 D: "Bisa bahasa Indonesia gak?"
 Me: "Iya"
 D: "Namanya siapa?"
 Me: "Vina"
 D: "Siapa?"
 Me: "VINA"
 D: "ooh, disana kalau ngomong pake bahasa apa? Inggris, Indonesia, apa Jepang?"
 Me: "Bahasa Jepang"
 D: "Bahasa Jepangnya lancar donk?"
 Me: "ah, enggak kok, biasa aja. Biasa"
 D: "Coba ngomong bahasa Jepang, deh"
 Me: "apa? enggak ah.."
 D: "Bahasa jepangnya 'Nama Kamu Siapa?' apa?"
 Me: "Namae wa?"
 D: "Apaan?"
 Me: "Namae wa" (i repeat it 3x until he gets it, and the other guy just laughed at us, lol)
 D: "Kelas 2 ya?"
 Me: "Iya, kelas berapa" (while pointing at him)
 D: "3"
 D: "Di jepang cwe nya gimana?" (He starts to sit on a desk next to me, the other one sits on a chair behind him--in a right-front)
 Me: "Biasa"
 D: "Di sekolah kamu nama cewe yg paling cantik siapa?"
 Me: "Hmm.. gk ada, pada biasa aja"
 D: "Nama jepang tuh kayak gimana sih? Kayak... "

 Right before he's talked, Bu Fortin came back to class, and says "Astagfirullah" cause seeing him sits on the desk. (Me, and that 2 guys just laughed) Bu fortin trus nyuruh mereka keluar kelas, karena recess is about to over~
 Aku sama Bu fortin lanjut belajar Mat ttg himpunan, some senior came and saw me sometimes.. from the door, or pretending to was they're hands. And me? just beeing quit for.. i dunno, forever?
 After that, we prayed at PTC (Parent Teacher Child) room-- i'm not sure what that room is made for, but in my mind, i'll be glad to pray there, cause that room has many people in it.
 Then, i went home. Huaaaam ngantuk..
eh iya! jadi keinget sama lagu lucu yg aku temuin di pc om aku, judulnya "santai" kocak bgt deh, aku gk hafal lyric nya, habis suaranya kayak chipmunk gitu, rada gk jelas..
Oh well, dah dulu ya, bubye!


  1. hahaha vin sumpaah deh tu dua cwonya bikin emosi aj keanya apa kupingnya bermasalah ato apa haha(cher's). oia ko km d jakarta skola lagi si? terus belajarnya d sendiriin gt? :s

  2. wkakaka tau tu aneh.. XD
    oh, kata mamaku biar bisa sharing aja sama temen2nya, sekalian nyelesain ujian yg belum selesai di FH. Biar bisa ngambil rapot FH nya van.

  3. oh gitu, tapi rajin ya km vin d indo skola jg haha trs balik k japannya tggl brp?
